SOBE Orientation Map

TRU Open Learning
SOBE Orientation Map

SOBE Orientation Map

Thompson Rivers University

Activity: This is my land/water


In this activity you are asked to revisit the Indigenous welcome you used when setting up your personal profile and share a photo and a brief description of the mountain, river, or piece of land that you referred to in in your welcome. If you didn’t include this in your personal profile, take the time now to select one of these natural elements that holds meaning for you. If you do not have an original photo, try searching Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia Commons is a Creative Commons site that allows reuse of photos based on a licensing agreement. Be prepared to write a brief description (approximately 100 words or less) as to why and how you feel connected to this area.

Activity Map

Click the View Activity Map below to go to the map and view places that have been posted to date. the map is global, so you can move around to see all parts of the world. When you click on a pin you will see the attached image and decription of the location.

+ View Activity Map

Add Map Location

Once you have chosen a mountain, body of water, piece of land, click the Add Map Location link. Complete the form below with your information and submit the form. Within five minutes a pin will populate the map with your information.

+ Add Map Location

TRU SOBE Student Locations Around the World

Add Your Location

Form Instructions

To create a pin on the map you must enter data into all the form fields. Write directly into the form text boxes on the left.

  1. Enter the name of the location you are sharing on the map in the Location Name text area.
  2. In the Location Address field use Google Maps to identify the place you would like to pin on the activity map. When identifying the location address, write the name of it directly into the box whether it is a mountain, river, ocean or even the name of a city if the land is close to that area. The form will provide you with options as you type. Select the correct location when it appears. The pin will then be placed on the world map and you can drag and drop it for more precision if required. If you have selected a place where there is already a pin, no worries, multiple pins will be visible as you zoom into the location.
  3. Use the Browse button in the Location Image area to add an image to your map pin from your device. If you are using an image from a Creative Commons source such as Wikimedia Commons, you will need to download the image to your device before uploading the file, image URLs will not work.
  4. Please provide the necessary image credit using the Image Attribution text area. You will need to reference your image with the author’s last name, date assigned to the image and the creative commons license (e.g. Hybnerova, 28 February 2014, CC BY-SA 3.0). This information can be found at the bottom of or under More details for any Wikimedia image. You will also need to include the URL of the image. If you are the author of the image then you do not need to include an image attribution or URL.
  5. Write your description of why and how this image is meaningful to you in the Image Description area (approximately 100 words or less).  It is an opportunity for you to share information and connect with others in the MBA program.

This map is accessible to the world. It is a non-moderated site, so post accordingly. TRU does reserve the right to delete posts that are considered inflammatory, rather than informative.